Check enables to check the parameters (units, resolution etc.) in the active MicroStation design file. The application can operate in the background – the checking is made automatically while opening the design file.
Check is marked by following properties:
All the most important tools of the application are placed in the main dialog box.
It enables to check the master units, sub units, proportion between the master and sub units, proportion between the sub and positional units, and to check the design dimensions(2D/3D).
Parameters setting is possible to match from the open design file.
The application can operate in the background – the checking is made while opening the design file.
After the first start of the application there will be made the file check.rsc in the directory structure (the variable MS_DATA) of the MicroStation, in which all recently set values will be saved – it means after the next start of the application Check will the values stay the same as they were with the previous start.
Help of the Check application is available directly from MDL application Check on the internet.
Check is available for MicroStation V8i, PowerDraft V8i and Bentley Map PowerView V8i on the Windows XP/Vista/7/8 platform.